Sorted by: Author
Call No. | Author | Title | Place of Pub. | Date |
Ag39m | Aghamohammadi, Mahdi | Steel Design of Floor Framing System in Visual Basic 6.0 | USC | 2008 |
B137c | Bacosa, Cesario A. Jr. | Site Characterization of Taytay, Palawan Landslide: Basis for Landslide prevention | USC | 2013 |
B465an | Betache, Angelo M. | Numerical Simulation of Bolted Flange Plate (BFP) Moment Connection for Threat-Independent Progressive Collapse Resistance | USC | 2017 |
C112r | Cabrera, Ricardo T. | Numerical solution for describing the response of the stick model of a multi-story building subjected to seismic horizontal ground motion using structure response spectra & implemented in visual basic 6 | USC | 2012 |
D119c | Dacuan, Cecielle N. | Cement stabilization of Sub-Grade materials in road constructions | USC | 2012 |
D855k | Ducay, Kristoffer John | Rapid Assessment of low-rise buildings in Downtown Butuan City for potential seismic hazards using disaster quick | USC | 2015 |
D542h | Diapolet, Herbert M. | Performance-Based Seismic Assessment of Existing Reinforced Concrete Structures using Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis: A Case of Marcelo Fernan Palace of Justice | USC | 2018 |
D569h | Digal, Herbert M. | A Study on the potential use of recycled (crushed) concrete pavement as coarse aggregate substitute for concrete | USC | 2010 |
H212h | Harandizadeh, Hooman | Seismic response of multi-storey reinforced concrete buildings situated on sloping ground | USC | 2010 |
L111r | Labarrete, Raleigh G. | Seismic Performance-Based Evaluation of GT Times Square Building Along J. Llorente St., Cebu City - A Case study | USC | 2018 |
M326j | Maratas, Jerry B. | Matrix Structural Analysis of Space Trusses in Visual Basic 6.0 | USC | 2006 |
M481al | Melchor, Alex H. | Infiltration Capacity Determination of the Ponds and Basins in the University of San Carlos - Talamban Campus Cebu City, Philippines | USC | 2010 |
M764al | Montesco, Aljade R. | Discrete layout optimization of warehouse roof truss design utilizing genetic algorithm with domain-trimming (GADT) | USC | 2019 |
P260al | Pasana, Alberto S. | A Software on the analysis and design of two-dimensional roof trusses using visual basic 6.0 | USC | 2009 |
B290j | Bas, Jonah Lee I. | A GIS-Based Multi-Criteria decision framework for selecting suitable locations of sustainable flood retention basins at the watershed scale: the case of the upper subcatchments of the Butuanon River watershed | USC | 2019 |
D290an | Davis, Angela Renee B. | An Analysis of factors affecting the slope stability of road cuts along the Cebu transcentral Highway in Barangay Busay, Cebu City, Philippines | USC | 2010 |
D543l | Diaz, Lysander T. | Estimating Soil Detachment and Transport by Raindrop impact on Sloping Ground | USC | 2005 |
F769r | Fornis, Ricardo L. | Drop Size Distribution and Kinetic Energy of Rainfall for Soil Erosion Studies in Leyte, Philippines | USC | 2005 |
L628j | Lim, Jency B. | Application of Linear Genetic Programming in Flood Stage Forecasting | USC | 2010 |
Or16au | Oraya, Aure Flo A. | Runoff estimation using Lidar Dem and runoff utilization for water supply with the University of San Carlos as the pilot location | USC | 2015 |
P294c | Payot, Cirilo B. | Rainfall-runoff Process Simulation on Microcatchments in Kotkot Watershed, Cebu | USC | 2005 |
T672ir | Traces, Irismay R. | Soil Erosion Modelling in a Small Catchment within Lusaran Watershed in Barangay Taptap, Cebu City | USC | 2005 |
V546x | Veloso, Xavier Vincent L. | Drop Size Distribution and Kinetic Energy of Rainfall for Soil Erosion Studies in Leyte, Philippines | USC | 2005 |
B290j | Bas, Jonah Lee I. | A GIS-Based Multi-Criteria decision framework for selecting suitable locations of sustainable flood retention basins at the watershed scale: the case of the upper subcatchments of the Butuanon River watershed | USC | 2019 |
D290an | Davis, Angela Renee B. | An Analysis of factors affecting the slope stability of road cuts along the Cebu transcentral Highway in Barangay Busay, Cebu City, Philippines | USC | 2010 |
D543l | Diaz, Lysander T. | Estimating Soil Detachment and Transport by Raindrop impact on Sloping Ground | USC | 2005 |
F769r | Fornis, Ricardo L. | Drop Size Distribution and Kinetic Energy of Rainfall for Soil Erosion Studies in Leyte, Philippines | USC | 2005 |
L628j | Lim, Jency B. | Application of Linear Genetic Programming in Flood Stage Forecasting | USC | 2010 |
Or16au | Oraya, Aure Flo A. | Runoff estimation using Lidar Dem and runoff utilization for water supply with the University of San Carlos as the pilot location | USC | 2015 |
P294c | Payot, Cirilo B. | Rainfall-runoff Process Simulation on Microcatchments in Kotkot Watershed, Cebu | USC | 2005 |
T672ir | Traces, Irismay R. | Soil Erosion Modelling in a Small Catchment within Lusaran Watershed in Barangay Taptap, Cebu City | USC | 2005 |
V546x | Veloso, Xavier Vincent L. | Drop Size Distribution and Kinetic Energy of Rainfall for Soil Erosion Studies in Leyte, Philippines | USC | 2005 |