Master of Science in Teaching Chemistry
Sorted by: Author
none | Aaron, Jesrelljane J. | Effects of Varying Copper Concentrations on Photosynthesis of Gracilaria Salicornia Agardh (Gracilariaceae) and Padina Santae Crusis Borgesen (Dictyotaceae) | 3 | USC | May-12 |
Ab 16 ar | Abal, Arturo | Coral Community Structure of the Reef Flat Fronting the Western Coastal Area of Kauswagan, Lanao Del Norte | 3 | USC | Nov-87 |
All 3 j | Albano, Julie E. | Physiological and Histological Effects of Cadmium, Copper and Lead on the Marine Alga, Caulerpa Lentillifera J. Agardh (Chlorophyta, Bryopsidales) | 4 | USC | Oct-98 |
Al 16 j | Alcaria, Joselito Francis | Evaluation of the Biomass and Distribution Pattern of Target and Indicator Fish Species in Zaragosa Marine Sancturay, Badian Cebu, Philippines, Its Implication to Coastal Resource Management | 3 | USC | Feb-01 |
Ap 44 aL | Apongan, Alex Bado | Feeding Requirements of Penaeus Indicus H. Milne Edwards Larvae | 5 | USC | Jun-90 |
B 237 n | Barghi, Neda | Antibacterial Activity of Scleractinian Corals | 4 | USC | Oct-07 |
None | Belleza, Dominic Franco C. | Decadal Changes in the Benthic Macrophyte Assemblage and The Structure of the Sediments in a Shallow Embayment, Eastern Mactan Island, Central Philippines | 3 | USC | Feb-12 |
B 638 c | Bollozos, Camille Jane F. | Biomass of Gelatinous Zooplankton in Macajalar Bay, Misamis Oriental, Philippines | 4 | USC | Mar-08 |
B638 ir | Bollozos, Iris Salud F. | Spatio-Temporal Distribution and Abundance of Ichthyoplankton in Macajalar Bay, Misamis Oriental Philippines | 4 | USC | Mar-08 |
B 772 an | Briones, Anjou D. | Variability in Invertebrate Plankton Populatoin Density Inside and Outside Two Marine Sanctuaries in Cabilao Island, Loon, Bohol | 4 | USC | Oct-01 |
C 111 g | Cabactulan-Olavides, Gail | Morphological Changes of the Cells of the Green Mussi, Perna Viridis (Linnaeus, 1758) and Lettered Clam, Tapes Literatus (Linnaeus, 1758) Subjected to Varying Concentrations of Copper (Cu) and Lead (Pb) | 4 | USC | Dec-08 |
C 111 el | Cabahug, Elsa J. | Systematics and Distribution of Marine Shallow Water Brittlestars (Echinodermata:Ophiuroidea) of Mactan Island, Cebu, Philippines and Its Neighboring Islands | 223562 | USC | Feb-06 |
C 481 m | Ciasico, Ma. Natalia A. | Structural Typology of Benthic Community and Sedimentation Rate at Selected Reef Sites Surrounding Manicani Island, Guiuan, Central Philippines | 3 | USC | Mar-07 |
C 811 m | Cordero, Ma. Camila Rodette A. | Artificial Induction of Oocyte Maturation in the Sea Cucumber Actinopyga Miliaris Quoy and Gaimard (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) | 3 | USC | Feb-89 |
D 127 el | Dadole, Eliza Labis | Status De Macrofauna and Flora in the Marine Sanctuaries of Apid, Mahaba and Digyo Islands, Inopacan, Leyte, Philippines | 5 | USC | Oct-07 |
D 36 h | De Dios Homer Hermes Y. | Spawning Induction and Larval Development of "Samong" Trochus Conus (Gmelin, 1790) | 4 | USC | Oct-99 |
D 621 an | Diola, Annie G. | Distribution of Shallow-Water Meiofauna Across a Horizontal Sediment Grain Size Gradient in Mactan Island, Cebu, Philippines | 4 | USC | Mar-98 |
D 98 d | Dy, Danilo T. | Nutrient Flux Across The Sediment-Water Interface and the Role Marine Sediments in the Nutrient Budget of a Eucheuma Farm | 2 | USC | Oct-84 |
Ed 68 r | Edpalina, Rizalita Rosalejos | The Gametic Development of the Wedge-Clam Donax SPP. In Migpangi (Panguil Bay) | 5 | USC | May-92 |
Es 19 p | Escudero, Pedro T. | Flying Fishes (Exocoetidae) In The Bohol Sea: Systematics, Methods Of Capture And Brief Ecology | 5 | USC | Mar-81 |
Es 27 el | EscaƱo, Elena M. | Control Of Euplotes Sp. (Ciliata: Protozoa) Using Chlorine in Laboratory Cultures of Tetraselmis Sp. (Prasinophyceae: Chlorophyta) | 4 | USC | May-85 |
F 391 v | Fernandez, Vitaliano V. | The Effect Of Cyanide On The Gross Morphology And Histology Of Selected Organs Of The Clown Fish Amphiprion Clarkii Pomacentridae; Pisces | 4 | USC | Oct-91 |
G 113 sa | Gabona, Saula F. | Effects of the Administration of Methyltestosterone (MT) and Thyroid Hormone (T4) on the Growth of Juvenile Rabbitfish Species, Siganus Punctatus And Siganus Canaliculatus | 4 | USC | Mar-99 |
G 229 j | Gatus, Joey Llamera | Population Systematics of Sea Kraits Laticauda Columbrina (Schneider) and Laticauda Laticaudata (Linnaeus) from the Philippines Using DNA Analysis and Venom Analysis | 4 | USC | Sep-00 |
G 311 p | Geraldino, Paul John L. | Monographic Study of the Marine Algal Genus Padina Adanson, 1763 (Phaeophyceae, Dictyotales) of the Visyas and Mindanao, Philippines | 3 | USC | Oct-04 |
G 931 ev | Gualberto, Eva P. | The Effects of Artificial Fertilizers on the Growth Rate of Eucheuma Cottonii Under Special Consideration of Water Movement and Application Techniques | 3 | USC | Oct-84 |
H 429 j | Hermosilla, Joepette J. | Lunar, Tidal and Diel Periodicity and the Influence of Surface Current in the Fish Eggs and Larval Densities Inside and Outside the Marine Sanctuaries of Cabilao Island, Loon, Bohol, Philippines | 4 | USC | Oct-01 |
Il 1 an | Ilano, Anthony | The Reproductive Cycle of the Nailon Clam, Paphia Textilis, ( Gmelin, 1791) Found In Bantayan Island, Cebu | 3 | USC | Oct-97 |
Is 2 l | Iseid, Lway | The Antibacterial Effects of the Extracts of Two Species of Brown Algae Sargassum Polycystum C. Agardh and Dictyota Dichotoma (Hudson) Lamouroux on Four Selected Bacteria | 3 | USC | Oct-93 |
none | Jimenez, Cesaria | Spawning Induction Of Anodontia Edentula (L.) (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Lucinidae): Some Notes On Its Embryonic And Larval Development | 4 | USC | Oct-91 |
J 564 j | Jimenez, Jaime | The Influence Of Salinity And Food On The Growth And Survival Of The Juvenile Wedge Clam, Donax Cuneatus (L.) (Mollusca Bivalvia: Donacidae) Under Laboratory Conditions | 4 | USC | Oct-91 |
L 324 d | Largo, Danilo | Taxonomy, Distribution and Some Aspects of the Ecology Of Seagrasses in Mactan Island and Vicinity | 3 | USC | Mar-86 |
L 614 l | Liao, Lawrence | Taxonomy and Distribution of the Marine Benthic Algae of the Cuyo Island, West Central Philippines | 1 | USC | Jul-87 |
L 855 m | Longakit, Ma. Belinda | Taxonomy And Distribution Of Shallow Water Marine Sponges (Phylum Porifera) Of Cebu, Philippines | 3 | USC | May-05 |
M 119 m | Macto, Magno Jr. | Growth Rate Of The Agarophyte Gracilariopsis Heteroclada Zhang and Xia, 1988 (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta) Using Three Pond Cultivation Methods In Kalawisan, Mactan Island, Cebu Philippines | 4 | USC | Jul-01 |
M 483 ad | Melendres, Adriano | Acute Toxicity Test Of Lannate Insecticide On Three Commercially Important Fingerlings Of The Visayan Region, Central Philippines | 2 | USC | Jan-11 |
M 523 an | Mendoza, Analyn | Stock Assessment And Reproductive Biology Of Spider Conch, Lambis lambis (Linne, 1758) (Gastropoda: Strombidae) In Guiuan, Eastern Samar, Philippines | 3 | USC | Mar-07 |
On 1 p | Onchan, Pichai | Trial Cultivation And Comparative Ammonium Up Take Rate Among Three Varieties Of Kappaphycus Alvarezii (Doty) Doty Ex P.C Silva AndKappaphycus Striatum (Schmitz) Doty Var. Sacol (Rhodophyta, Gigartinales) | 3 | USC | Apr-10 |
R 858 m | Ruinata, Mario | Effects Of Diatom Diet On Teh Growth And Survival Of Post-Larval Abalone, Haliotis Asinina (Linne) [Mollusca: Haliotidae] Under Hatchery Conditions | 3 | USC | Mar-07 |
Sa 74 j | Sarmago, Josephine | The Chemical Induction Of Spawing And Larval Settlement Of The Abalone, Haliotis Asinina (Linne.) | 3 | USC | Nov-90 |
Si 84 m | Sister, Maria Chona | Short-term Effects Of Dolomite Load On The Photosynthetic Rate Respiration Rate, Chlorophyll A Content And Calcification Rate Of Acropora Nasuta Dana (1846) | 4 | USC | Jul-97 |
So 79 f | Sotto, Filipina | Vertical Distribution And Seasonal Variation Of Phytoplankton In Cebu Harbor, Cebu, Philippines | 3 | USC | Oct-80 |
T 116 r | Tabucanon, Ruby | Systematics Of Benthic Polychaetous Annelids In The Intertidal Zone Of Mactan Island, Cebu | 3 | USC | Oct-83 |
T 159 | Tan Tiu, Antonieto | Systematics Of Intertidal Sea Cucumbers (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) Of Mactan Island And Vicinity | 3 | USC | Mar-81 |
T 235 j | Tejada, Johann Friedrich | Morpho-taxonomy Of The Genus Ceratium Schrank 1793 (Gonyaulacales: Ceratiaceae) In Selected Sites Of The Philippines | 3 | USC | Feb-07 |
T 542 m | Tiu, Marilyn | The Antibacterial Activity Of Portulaca Oleracea, L. (Purslane) Against Selected Test Bacteria | 1 | USC | Mar-96 |
V 711 el | Villalluz, Elaine | Monthly Changes In Biomass Of Green Tide-Causing Species In An Organically Enriched Site Of Macajalar Bay, Misamis Oriental, Philippines | 3 | USC | Oct-06 |
none | Wagas, Ethel | Reproductive Cycle And Embryonic Development Of The Indian Volute, Melo melo (Lightfoot, 1786) (Gastropoda: Volutidae) | 3 | USC | Feb-11 |