Master of Science in Philosophy
Sorted by: Author
CALL no. | Author | Title | No. of Copies | Place Of Pub. | Date |
Ab 35r | Abellanosa, Rhoderick John S. | Three Levels of Faith in the Light of the Fundamental Question Concerning Being in Heidegger: An Application To Filipino Faith Experiences | 1 | USC | Mar-06 |
Al 45f | Alima, Flora Cortes | The Conception of Freedom in Spinoza And Its Relation To the Filipino Muslim Culture | 1 | USC | Mar-80 |
Ab 64r | Ablao, Reynaldo R. | Martin Heidegger's Emobidment of Da-Sein: A means To Filipino Self-Transcendence | 3 | USC | Mar-07 |
Al 173 v | Alonzo, Vicente D. | Bentham's Utilitarianism and Its Relevance to the Understanding of Capital Punishment in the Philippine Context | 3 | USC | Jun-02 |
Ar 28v | Ardales, Venancio Berso | A Philosophical Analysis of Philippine Popular Values | 2 | USC | Oct-74 |
B 147 c | Baguio, Charles Roy P. | A.N Whitehead's Dipolar Concept of God and the Roman Catholic Church's Doctrine of the Eschatological Triumph of Good Over Evil: A Comparative Study | 2 | USC | May-08 |
B 598 t | Blanco, Thomas Lyndon B. | The Philosophy of the International Society For Krishna Consciousness: Its Relevance to the Filipino Society | 4 | USC | May-97 |
B 641 r | Bongcaras, Rosendo | Nietzsche's Will To Power: A Call For Persectival Enchancement of the Self in the Becoming of Life | 3 | USC | Mar-07 |
C 125 w | Calamba, Winsor B. | The Ricodeurian Notion of Human Fallibaility and the filipino Notion of Human Fallibility as Presented by Miranda and Mercado | 3 | USC | Oct-03 |
C 16 | Cañas, Editha A. | William James' Theories of Knowing And Willing and Their Relevance to the New Society | 3 | USC | Oct-74 |
C 314 j | Cavada, Jose Noel | The Problem of Alienation in the Philosophy of Labor from the Personalist Standpoint | 3 | USC | Mar-73 |
C 49 | Cimafranca, Eliseo B. | The Metaphysical Background of Situation Ethics | 4 | USC | Oct-69 |
C 632 m | Cobarde, Maryrose A. | A Critique of Modern Technology in the Light of the Tao Te Ching | 2 | USC | Mar-06 |
D 589 an | Diluvio, Antonio Padin | Zen and Karatedo: A Comparative Analysis of the Practices, Attitudes and Effects on the Practitioners | 2 | USC | Oct-99 |
D 632 em | Dispo, Emmanuel B. | The Universalizability of Organ Donation As An Alternative To A Dignified Death: An Application of Kantian Categorical Imperative | 1 | USC | Oct-05 |
D 932 f | Durano, Ferdinand R. | Marcelian-Rizalian Concepts of Freedom: Their Relevance To Some Contemporary Ethical Issues in the Philippines | 3 | USC | Oct-01 |
Fabia, Gregorio N. SVD | Mabini on Nationalism | 1 | DWS | Sep-68 | |
F 181 b | Falcone, Baldomero C. | The Contributory Role of Emotion in the Formation of Monotheism and Animism Among Preliterate Peoples | 4 | USC | Jul-69 |
F 391 g | Fernandez, Guiraldo C. Jr. | The Understanding of Gaba and Its Relation To the Doctrine of Karma | 2 | USC | May-99 |
F 469 m | Melecio Supe Figuracion | Rizal's Philosophy of Life As Reflected in His Writings | 3 | USC | Jan-65 |
G 132 al | Galeon Alvin A. | Habermas' Discourse Ethics and Its Relevance to the Filipino Society | 2 | USC | Sep-98 |
G 132 j | Galendo, Joselito C. | John Rawls on Justice: Its Relevance to the 21st Century of Philippines | 4 | USC | Mar-02 |
G 133a | Galindez, Ambrosio J. OSA | The Morality of Cockfighting in the Philippines | 1 | USC | Oct-74 |
G 165 b | Garcia, Bernard Inocentes S. | The Dynamics of History in Lonergan: Its Relevance to the Social and Cultural Dimensions of the Filipino Life | 3 | USC | Apr-01 |
G 165 q | Garciano, Gumercindo I. Jr. | Immanuel Kant's Phenome-Noumena Distinction in His Critique of Pure Reason: Towards Grounding Faith | 4 | USC | May-99 |
G 287 n | Genilla, Noel | man in Heiegger's "Letter on Humanism" From a Filipino Perspective | 3 | USC | Jul-97 |
Geralde, Blas A. | Gabriel Marcel's Concept Participation and the Church's Involvement in Politics | 3 | USC | Mar-11 | |
H 43 a | Hernando, Amor | An Evaluation of Santayana's Idea of Religion | 2 | USC | Oct-74 |
J 336 v | Jayme, Virginia L. | Intersubjectivity in emmanuel Levinas' Philosophy | 2 | USC | Mar-74 |
J 951 h | Jumuad, Harold A. | John Dewey's Philosophy of Education and its Influence on Philippine Education | 4 | USC | Oct-00 |
---- | Labastin, Benjiemen A. | Jurgen Habermas' Disclosure Theory of Law and Politics: A Reconstructive Approach to Political Authority and Obligation | - | USC | Mar-15 |
L 828 | Logarta, |Corazon Jamero | The Primacy of the Person in Teilhardian Thought | 3 | USC | Apr-73 |
L 181 j | Lamela, Juan CM | The Idea ofGod In Karl Jaspers' Philosophy | 3 | USC | May-65 |
M 312 or | Mandane, Orlando M. Jr. | Spontaneity in Tao Te Ching And Its Relevance For Human Being's Authenticity | 3 | USC | Oct-99 |
M 313 f | Mangibin, Ferdinand M. | Gods Divine Power and man's Freedom in Charles Hartshorne's Process Philosophy | 3 | USC | Oct-07 |
M 319 r | Manzanares, Rosario T. | A Study of the Authentic Subject in the Light of The Thoughts of Bernard Lonergan and Carl Jung | 2 | USC | May-74 |
M366 r | Martinez, Reynaldo a. | Kierkegaard's Notion of Love and Its Relevance to the Filipino Utang Na Loob | 3 | USC | Oct-00 |
M 417 d | Mateo, Demosthenes C. | Aristotle's Conception of the Education of the Ideal Citizen and its Relevance to Contemporary Philippine Politics | 4 | USC | Oct-80 |
N 356 j | Neri, Jonathan C. | Nietzsche's Concept of Superman and its Relevancec to the Contemporary Filipino Adolescents | 1 | USC | Oct-05 |
Oc 1 j | Ocay, Jeffry V. | Marcuse's Notion of Technology and Its Importance for the Contemporary Filipino Family | 2 | USC | Oct-04 |
Or 1 b | Orais, Bonifacio Salazar Jr. | Intersubjectivity in Gabriel Marcel | 2 | USC | Oct-74 |
P 14 fr | Pagaran, Franco Jr. | Understanding Contemporary Interpersonal Relationships in the Light of Sun Tzu's The Art of War | 3 | USC | Mar-97 |
P 167 g | Pajares, Glenn G. | Karol Wojtyla's Philosopy of The Human Person: A Means To Understand the Filipino | 2 | USC | Mar-02 |
P 167 g | Pajares, Glenn G. | The Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche as a Tool in Understanding Philippine History | 2 | USC | Mar-06 |
P 176 al | Palita, Alberto C. | Martin Heidegger's Essay "On The Essence of Truth": Some Filipino Applications | 3 | USC | Mar-00 |
P 191 | Pamplona, Roberto G. | The Intrinsic Possibility of the Eternity of the Universe According to St. Thomas Aquinas | 4 | USC | May-73 |
P 298 | de Paz, Felipe T. | The Social, Political, and Moral Views of Manuel Luis Quezon Y Molina in the Light of "Perennial Philosophy" | 4 | USC | Jul-69 |
P 436 j | Pescadero, Jerry | A Study of Nietzshe's Transvaluation of Values: Towards a critique of the Filipino Value System with the View of Presenting an Alternative Approach to Ethics | 3 | USC | Mar-02 |
P 493 p | Phap, paul Dau Van | The Limits of Reason in Kani's First Critique in Relation to the Proof for God's Existence | 3 | USC | Jul-10 |
P 758 p | Polestico, Pacheco A. | Ksemaraja's Pratyabhijna Hridayam and Saint Augustine's Confessions: Their Points of Convergence and Divergence | 2 | USC | Oct-02 |
P 974 m | Purino, Maria Majorie R. | The Road to Self-Realization in Kant's Groundwork of the metaphysic of Morals | 3 | USC | Mar-03 |
Q 44j | Quinones, Julian M. | A Critical Analysis of the Fundamental Priniciples Common to All Socialist Systems | 1 | USC | Jan-63 |
R 259 g | Regugio, Gregorio R. | Mencius' Political Theory: A Critique of Political Corruption in the Philippines | 3 | USC | Oct-06 |
R 33j | Reyes- Juvy | Thomas Berry's Mysticism: The Huma Cosmic Self and the Ethics of Cosmic Responsibility | 3 | USC | Oct-10 |
R 331 | Reyno, Adriano C. Jr. | The Political, Social, & Moral Philosophy of Apolinario Mabini | 1 | USC | Mar-62 |
R 524 r | Rivera, reynaldo Y. | The Becoming of Heidegger's Truth: Science and Technology in Philippine Tertiary Education | 3 | USC | Oct-03 |
Se 82p | Sevare, Percival | Gandhi's Theory of Ahimsa in Contrast to Aquinas' , Locke's and Marx's Political Philosophical Theories | 3 | USC | Apr-04 |
--- | Shakeel, John | Jalal Al-Din Rumi's Philosphy of Tasawwuf of Sufism and its Relevance to Interreligous Dialogue | - | USC | May-14 |
Su 12 j | Suarez, Jose F. | The role of Human Values in the Formulation of the Different Aspects of Human Life | 2 | USC | Mar-79 |
T 11 31 | Tabilid, Lot T. Jr. | A Phenomenology of Human Relationship: A Chelerian Approach | 3 | USC | Nov-06 |
T 113 sh | Tabile, Sheldon Ramos | The Intellectual and Spiritual Dimensions of Empathy in the Thought of Edith Stein | 2 | USC | Mar-06 |
T154 em | Tancinco, Emigdio R. Jr. | Saint Augustine and Pope John Paul II on Freedom - A Filipino Application | 4 | USC | Mar-96 |
Toring, David B. Jr. | The Social Philosophy of John Dewey | 1 | USC | Aug-11 | |
T 68 g | Trajano, Glenn L. | Simone De Beauvoir's Concept of Woman: Its Role in the Women's Struggle in the Philippines | 5 | USC | Mar-08 |
Ur 1 r | Urbano, Ryan C. | Man in Search of God: An Interpretation of Nietzsche's God is Dead | 4 | USC | Mar-98 |
V 281 | Vandenbogaert, Marie Daniello | A Study of Causal Systems in the Basic Writings of Teilhard De chardin and Thomas Aquinas | 4 | USC | Feb-66 |
V 34 ma | Vaño, Manolo Omolon | A Study of the Significance of Natural Law For Morality Today | 3 | USC | Jul-70 |
V 533 | Velez, Amosa | The Philosophical Dimension of Spiritism in Cebu City | 4 | USC | May-78 |
V 546 g | Velmonte, Glenn Laura | Church and Teilhard De Chardin on Human Evolution: Towards a Better Understanding | 3 | USC | Sep-03 |
V 713 r | Villaver, Ranie B. | The Wu-Wei Principle of Daoism and Filipino Gender Sensitivity: An Interpretation of the Principle of Non-doing and Effortless Action | 3 | USC | May-06 |
Z 1j | Zabala, John King | The Thinking "OF" Being in Selected Works of the Later Heidegger: Its Relevance to Education | 2 | USC | Apr-05 |